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EventON – WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

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EventON WordPress Event Calendar can be a beautifully crafted program calendar that presents events during a minimal random free design. We pride ourselves on designing events to meet the latest design trends in the industry.

Therefore Eventon 200+ is packed with useful features like highly customizable events, multiple event images, unlimited event creation, various calendar designs, event venues and organizers, and events related to multi-data types and language etc. Advance features. So packed in the # 1 best-selling event calendar in Kodak Canyon!

Unveiling EventON

In addition, EventON isn’t just another event calendar plugin. It’s an all-in-one event management solution designed to simplify the WordPress event management process. Also Developed by an experienced team at AWD agency, EventON stands out with innovative features, user-friendly design, and powerful features.

Features of EventON WordPress Event Calendar Plugin:

  • Supports single and multiple-day events
  • Create single-day events
  • Also, create events without end day or time
  • Create all-day events
  • Duplicate events in wp-admin
  • Set event location image
  • Set event organizer contact information
  • Make certain custom fields only visible to admin or logged-in users
  • Individual email to receive payments via PayPal per event
  • Show events only for logged-in users
  • Set events to show in random order
  • Custom Language Text support and includes POT file for further customization
  • Integrated PayPal to accept payments for events
  • Add calendar to your theme via shortcode or PHP template tag
  • AJAX-driven smooth month-to-month navigation
  • Customize Google Maps interactive features such as mouse scroll, zoom, etc.
  • Interactive repeat event setup – 3.0.6
  • Related events in order of event date – 3.0.8
  • After the virtual event ends content to show at a certain time – 3.0

Why Choose EventON?

Simplicity: EventON’s also easy-to-use interface and user-friendly features make event management effortless, even for those with limited technical knowledge.

Versatility: Whether you’re hosting a small community event or a large-scale conference, EventON allows you to customize your options and features to fit your needs.

Visual Appeal: EventON adds a touch of elegance and interactivity to event calendars to make them more eye-catching and engaging for visitors.
Reliability: With a team of committed developers and a strong support infrastructure, EventON provides you with peace of mind that your event calendars will always work as they should.


Therefore in today’s events-driven world, where events connect people and communities, website owners need to have an event management solution that’s powerful, customizable, and easy to use. Also, EventON meets and exceeds users’ expectations by providing a comprehensive, feature-rich, and easy-to-use platform to create and manage event calendars. Whether you’re a business, an organization, or an individual looking to show off your events in the best way possible, EventON is here to help.

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